Kandla Grey Natural Sandstone Circle Kit


Pure Clean Rental Solutions now offer our new range of sandstone paving circles.

Our Kandla Grey Circle kit complements our Kandla Grey Natural Sandstone Paving.

Kandla Grey is fairly consistent for a natural stone with blends of lighter and darker greys throughout the pavers.

Our circle kits also come with a squaring off kit which  is supplied in all three of our circle sizes, making it easier to add to your paving, taking away the extra job of you having to cut other pieces of paving to fit around your circle.

We supply stone circles as a kit which includes the centre piece, radiating circle pieces and the squaring off kit is included. The circle kit is a great tool when incorporating into paving however if used as a feature, the squaring off kit does not have to be used.

 Our Kandla Grey circles are currently available in 3 sizes: 3.98m, 2.84m and 1.74m diameters.